Social Security Disability Insurance
Written by: Bruce L. Weider | 9.05.2024

Balancing Work and Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits in Michigan

Social security income is for those who are unable to work to provide basic needs for themselves and their families. You can work while receiving these benefits, but you must be aware of certain restrictions and parameters. There are also incentives that can help you work without having to worry about losing the benefits that you need. Applying for disability benefits is a complex process that is best done with an experienced legal counsel to guide you through all of your options. An experienced Michigan Social Security Disability attorney will be able to help their clients achieve successful applications and, ultimately, the financial support they need.

The Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)Threshold

When receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, it's crucial to understand Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). Earning over $1,550 per month (adjusted annually for inflation) is typically considered SGA. Exceeding this limit can jeopardize your benefits.

Trial Work Period and Extended Period of Eligibility

The Trial Work Period (TWP) is a work incentive for SSDI recipients, allowing them to test their ability to work for up to nine months without affecting their full benefits. This 9-month period can be used within a 60-month time frame, providing multiple opportunities to try returning to work.

After completing the TWP, you may continue working for up to 36 months and still receive benefits if your earnings remain below the substantial gainful activity (SGA) threshold. This threshold is currently set at $1,550 per month but may adjust annually.

Following the TWP, you enter the Extended Period of Eligibility, another 36-month window where you can continue working while receiving full benefits, as long as your earnings don't exceed the SGA limit.

Consulting with an experienced disability lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of the TWP and post-TWP benefits. They can ensure you adhere to deadlines, understand your options, and connect with resources to support your return to work.

Understanding the Ticket to Work Program

Programs like Ticket to Work connect you to free employment services to help you on the road to returning to the workforce. This program connects you with services to help you decide if returning to work is right for you, prepare you for returning to work, and maintain success after you’ve been in the program. 

Services included in this program:

  • Career counseling
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Job placement
  • Training 

Participation in the Ticket to Work program is free and voluntary. Your eligibility will be verified by the service provider you choose to work with. 

Strategies for Maximizing Benefits While Working Part-Time

If you start working part-time while receiving SSDI benefits, you want to maximize your earnings and benefits to provide you and your loved ones with the most financial support possible while still taking care of yourself. Therefore, ensuring your part-time earnings stay within the SGA limits is essential to continue receiving your disability benefits.

The best ways to maximize your benefits are:

  • Stay within the Substantial Gainful Activity limits
  • Report your earnings
  • Take advantage of work incentives 
  • Keep accurate records
  • Deduct any unused business expenses from your total earnings

Consulting with an experienced legal counsel will help you maximize your benefits while working part-time. They will be able to help you navigate the nuances of your SSDI benefits and even help you determine and report your income to the Social Security Administration. 

Seeking Legal Advice for Navigating SSDI and Work

Consulting with Bruce Weider’s legal team can help provide essential guidance while receiving disability benefits and attempting to work part-time. Our lawyers are well-versed in all Social Security disability laws and can help ensure you comply with all regulations while maximizing your benefits. If you or a loved one has suffered an on-the-job injury and needs help with any aspect of the process of receiving workers comp, contact us today to help your family succeed with your claim. Contact us by visiting us online or by calling (734) 485-0535 to get started today!

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